Schelpstraat 40, 42, 44 en J.G. Emanstraat 14,16-20, 22. Their foreign contacts may have been the reason for the particular external appearance of Schelpstraat 40 and 42. Schelpstraat 42 was possibly designed by Merdardo “Dada “Picus. The buildings were property of the Ecury family. The trade house S.N. Ecury, established in 1908, was engaged with import and export of spirits and foods, represented Ford motorcars and Goodrich tires and was agent of several firms in refrigerators and radios. As of 1927 they owned a large business on the Nassaustraat. On the second floor of the building the ‘Roofgarden’ café was located. |
This CUNUCU HOUSE dates back to 1908, laying in the then in urban context on the northwest crossing of the junction of the Caya Betico Croes and the Waterweg. On the side of the Caya Betico Croes (then and also now) there is an inscriptionin stucco above the left door: ‘1908 no. 97’. The dwelling originally was oriented East West. Weststraat, behind the Bus Station |
Schelpstraat 12 The almost free-standing TOWN CUNUCU HOUSE realized in the second half of the nineteenth century by the merchant Victor Wild, built in the traditional construction style, lies with its ridge parallel to the old Schelpstraat. Wild was a merchant and ship owner and just like his neighbors Henriquez on Schelpstraat 36-38 and Ecury on Schelpstraat 40-42, he transported import & export products. This home is built in different construction stages. Initially the house consisted of a core under a saddle roof covered by old-Dutch roofing tiles with one pair of dormers. The old attic has an old door opening with old iron hinges in the outside wall on the east gable. So the old attic was accessible via the outside. The original saddle roof above the original core is still equipped with old-Dutch roof tiles and a wooden go by rail cap, existing of small straight tree trunks. It is known that this type of small tree trunks were also imported from Venezuela. As usual in the old Aruban construction tradition the openings of the tiles roof are plastered with chalk on the outside and the inside. The dormers are still partly of brick. Application of brick is hardly found in Aruba. In Curacao it was more usual to use bricks for the finer work in the architecture. These were imported from Holland. |
J.G. Emanstraat 51 On March 3, 1936, the then new government building was inaugurated. This was the third government building of Aruba, after the governor’s residence and the central government’s office building located on the Zoutmanstraat. The building is almost East-West orientated. |
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Het mogelijk aan het eind van de 19de eeuw gebouwde woonhuis als Stadskunukuhuis (nr. 38) in traditioneel ambachtelijke bouwstijl tot stand gekomen, en het in de eerste helft van de 20ste eeuw tot stand gekomen koopmanshuis (nr. 36), vormen een twee-eenheid. De beide huizen staan op een erf met een breukstenen erfafscheiding met poort in de noordzijde. Het kunukuhuis staat met de nok evenwijdig aan de Schelpstraat. Op foto's uit 1989 is te zien dat het kunukuhuis op dat moment gedekt was met oranje Hollandse pannen. Het zadeldak van de keuken was gedekt met grijze en oranje Hollandse pannen. De open galerij tegen de noordgalerij was eveneens gedekt met oranje Hollandse pannen. Het schilddak van het koopmanshuis was op dat moment gedekt met oranje op Friese pannen gelijkende dakpannen afkomstig van de firma F. Cools uit België. De nok en de kepers daarvan waren gedekt met grijze nok- en keperpannen en nokvorsten. De eerste verdieping van het koopmanshuis werd aan zuidzijde ontsloten door een balkon met een houten steektrap die uitkomt op het voorterras van het kunukuhuis. |
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